OmniFob has a direct connection to MoboKey without the need for a physical hub or 3rd party connection. Your OmniFob must be in Bluetooth range of your car for MoboKey to work.
Setting up MoboKey to work with your OmniFob
Perform these steps after getting MoboKey professionally installed and fully functional with your vehicle in the MoboKey app.
- In the MoboKey app, go to the Home screen > Tap the three bars on the top left > Tap "Car Profile" > Tap "Disconnect"
- In the Keyport app, go to the Status screen > Tap "Add Device"
- Your MoboKey should be on the Device list, tap it > Rename (if desired) and tap "Save"
Your MoboKey can now be controlled with your OmniFob!
Please Note: We are currently working through a connection issue where MoboKey will won't reconnect to OmniFob consistently. To fix it, open the Keyport app and go to the Status screen. The "Out of Range" error should clear on it's own and the OmniFob will work again. If not, forsce quit the Keyport app and reopen. We're working hard to fix this asap. Thank you for your patience.