OmniFob only works when it is in Bluetooth range of your phone. We’re taking many security precautions to ensure your OmniFob is useless outside of your control.
If you lose it, you can simply unpair it in the Keyport app and your devices will stop working if it finds its way back into your phone's Bluetooth bubble. To unpair your OmniFob from the Keyport app, go the Status screen and click the Unpair icon at the top, then tap "Yes" to confirm.
You can still track it with Chipolo after unpairing - Every OmniFob comes with a built-in Bluetooth locator powered by Chipolo. It will still work in the Chipolo app even if you unpair it from the Keyport app so you still have a chance of finding it. This free service is set up separately in the Chipolo app. So let’s say you've lost your OmniFob... If it is in Bluetooth range, you will be able to locate if from your smart phone using the Chipolo app. If you’re out of range, it will show the last known location in the Chipolo app and update if it moves around via Chipolo's mesh network.
Once found, you can easily pair it to the Keyport app again.
For further details, read our blog post on OmniFob Security.